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" We had the pleasure of working with Maria this past Fall with our first baby. To say I was anxious about the whole affair would have been an understatement. I was terrified. Used to being in control and on a schedule - letting go of a timeline and letting whatever happen happen was difficult for me. But after we found Maria, I knew no matter what happened, I’d have a calm, experienced, knowledgeable, compassionate person to help guide my husband and I. 


Maria is the perfect mixture of compassion and know-how, silliness and strength - and something that was important for me; she’s immensely spiritual but grounded at the same time.


I felt supported and cared for by Maria leading up to my delivery, during and after. Maria is so gracious with her time. She offered prenatal yoga sessions (the last of which I’m sure got my labor going one week early like I desperately wanted) and plenty of get to know you time, so I felt comfortable on the day of my delivery. 


The day of my delivery was a blur. What I do recall though is Maria offering support and assistance at every point. She advocated for us when we needed, and was constantly pulling tricks out of her bag to ease my anxieties, physically comfort me, and soothe my worries. She was also just a pleasure to have around as always. She can read a room, and if this is important to you, you know what I mean. 


I would have Maria as my doula again in a heartbeat and hope to have her for our future deliveries. She’s a gem of a doula and a human, and when it mattered most, she was exactly who I needed her to be.”


- Amanda Paswaters

" Mi nombre es Evelyn Loaces por este medio enviamos la vivencia que pasamos con nuestra Doula María. Nuestro parto fue hermoso el dolor pasó a un segundo plano, puesto que la entrega destreza,capacidad y paciencia de nuestra Doula hizo que mi parto que fue de manera natural sin anestesia, fuera una experiencia impecable, de hecho los mismos doctores del centro quedaron fascinando con la presencia de ella allí por la manera tan entregada de estar hasta el último momento en que sale el bebé, brindándote un apoyo incondicional. Sus recomendaciones, ejercicios, tips y conocimiento te ayudan un 100% con un parto menos riesgoso y más saludable. Puesto que de nuestra parte mi esposo y yo se la referimos a ojos cerrados ."


- Evelyn Loaces

" When I became pregnant, I knew immediately that I wanted Maria as my doula. We were connected previously through yoga and I’ve always felt such a warm and nurturing energy from her that I knew would be just what I needed to guide me through my first pregnancy. I learned so much about what to expect during each trimester, the actual birthing process, and the postpartum experience. Most importantly, Maria made me feel empowered to ask the right questions of my doctors and helped me understand that i had choices throughout this journey and I was the best advocate for my baby! I truly felt like Maria was a second mother to me and contributed so much to how calm and reassured I was during my pregnancy. I started having contractions late at night and Maria arrived quickly and guided me through a non-medicated Labor until my beautiful baby boy was born! Her presence did not end there and she continued to check in on me, send positive messages, and share meaningful advice post Partum. She even made a few more in person visits to ensure my baby and I were doing well. I can’t speak highly enough of Maria and she is genuinely in the perfect role to nurture mom and baby along the way!"


- Alyssa Vinas

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